Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies eBook
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Many people today struggle with problematic ICT interfaces in their attempts to adapt to the ever-changing digital information environment. To effectively address these issues with strong, highly usable, and effective solutions, it is essential to keep pace with the newest advances in the field. With more than 1,300 references to existing literature and 253 key terms with detailed definitions the Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies: Innovations, Methods, and Ethical Issues addresses this need for complete information on the current state of best techniques and practices. Through 33 authoritative contributions by 60 of the world’s leading experts this publication presents a full spectrum of successful designs, defined as communicative relation-building solutions, for individuals and collectives of interlocutors. The handbook also includes a longitudinal perspective of past mistakes, current trends and future opportunities, and is a musthave for beginners in the field as well as qualified professionals exploring the full potential of human interactions as facilitated by digital technologies.
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Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies is written by Thomas Hansson and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies are 9781599049717, 1599049716 and the print ISBNs are 9781599049700, 1599049708.