Handbook of Research on Cultural Heritage and Its Impact on Territory Innovation and Development eBook

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Cultural heritage is perceived as the glue that keeps individuals together and makes them feel a part of something larger. It is the past that allows individuals to understand their present and move towards the future. In networked society, it is impossible to think about cultural heritage and its preservation and maintenance without including the digital processes and ICT systems, as well as its impact on territorial innovation. The Handbook of Research on Cultural Heritage and Its Impact on Territory Innovation and Development is a critical and comprehensive reference book that analyzes how preservation and sustainability of cultural heritage occurs in countries, as well as how it contributes to territorial innovation. Moreover, the book examines how technological tools contribute to its preservation and sustainability, as well as its dissemination. Highlighting topics that include public policies, spatial development, and architectural heritage, this book is ideal for cultural heritage professionals, government officials, policymakers, academicians, researchers, and students.

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Additional ISBNs


Handbook of Research on Cultural Heritage and Its Impact on Territory Innovation and Development and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Research on Cultural Heritage and Its Impact on Territory Innovation and Development are 9781799867043, 1799867048 and the print ISBNs are 9781799867012, 1799867013. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781799867036.