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Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration provides a total framework for assessing the uncertainties associated with exploration risk from beginning to end. Numerous examples with accompanying microcomputer algorithms illustrate how to quantitatively approach economic risk. The text compares detailed assumptions and models of economic risk, and presents numerical examples throughout to facilitate hands-on calculations using popular spread-sheet packages on personal computers.

Covers economic risk from exploration through production models

Brings methods to a level where all can be done on a PC

Analyzes numerical examples from the real world

Removes “mystery” from how economics is done

Addresses assumptions in models and shows how they influence projections

This is a digital product.

Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration is written by Ian Lerche and published by Academic Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration are 9780080505008 and the print ISBNs are 9780124441651, 0124441653.