Oxygen Responses, Reactivities, and Measurements in Biosystems eBook

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Oxygen Responses, Reactivities, and Measurements in Biosystems

Oxygen Responses, Reactivities, and Measurements in Biosystems meets the pressing needs of the twentieth-century biotechnological and bioengineering sciences in covering oxic reactions and oxygen transport phenomena in a single book. This book is intended for teaching senior or graduate level courses and as a self-study text for practicing biochemical and chemical engineers, biotechnologists, applied and industrial microbiologists, cell biologists, scientists involved in oxygen-free radical research, and others in related fields. The text includes thought-provoking numerical problems and short questions, conventional biochemical engineering approaches and related concepts with mathematical formulations and analysis, concepts of cell biology, basic microbiology and applied biochemistry in oxy radical research, practical approaches for the development of laboratory experiments and industrial design, and an introduction of oxygen-free radical chemistry to biotechnology and bioengineering.

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Additional ISBNs

9781003068167, 9781000120196, 9781000103021

Oxygen Responses, Reactivities, and Measurements in Biosystems 1st Edition is written by S. N. Mukhopadhyay; Dipak K. Das and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Oxygen Responses, Reactivities, and Measurements in Biosystems are 9781000141528, 1000141527 and the print ISBNs are 9780849347306, 0849347300. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781003068167, 9781000120196, 9781000103021.