Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education: Building a Foundation, 4th Edition eBook

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Provide the building blocks for understanding effective practices in early childhood education Inspired by her own classroom experiences, Sue Bredekamp designed Revel Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education: Building a Foundation to empower a new generation of teachers who can make a difference in children?s lives. An entire chapter introduces readers to developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) for early childhood education. Subsequent chapters are organized according to the NAEYC guidelines, which Bredekamp has co-authored for over 30 years. Building on the DAP framework, Bredekamp focuses on three themes that are essential to quality teaching: intentional teaching, developmentally appropriate curriculum, and evidence-based, effective practices. The 4th Edition introduces a new theme, the importance of developing children?s executive function, self-regulation, and positive approaches to learning. Expanded discussions of ways to support and protect the role of play in children?s education, a completely revised chapter on STEM teaching and learning, and a greater focus on culturally responsive curriculum keep readers up to date on the dynamic field of early education. Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education, 4th Edition is also available via Revel?, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience.

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